In human beings, olfactory sensory memories are among the most persistent. Offices, toilets, public places, changing rooms... We claim for all these places the right to smell good!
Whether you are a starred chef, a community worker, a working girl or a father hen, you cook with utensils, your hands and your heart. Kitchens are the backstage of conviviality and sharing. Light the fire and put the food on!
Renovate, clean, descale, disinfect, maintain, shine, remove bad smells, perfume and + if affinities: They know how to do it all!
The cleanliness of a place says a lot about its occupants. Your floors are formal: you are clean inside and it shows outside!
Here are the undisputed champions of surface cleaning: smooth surfaces, glass surfaces, fabrics, carpets and rugs... As many play surfaces as biosurfactants enjoy cleaning, degreasing and disinfecting with style and efficiency.
Our vehicles talk about us: engine, size, color, options, ... And you, are you rather big, small, nervous, family or just a heavyweight?